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The VR Field Trip

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Free for Teachers
General Audience

SwampScapes VR in action

Watch as 8th grade students experience SwampScapes VR for the first time in their science class.

SwampScapes in the Classroom

7 tours, 7 guides, 7 important themes

SwampScapes VR is an immersive documentary (360º video) of Florida’s most endangered ecosystem: the Everglades. The VR transports participants to seven diverse ecosystems hosted by seven expert guides who introduce critical themes such as biodiversity, health, co-existence, disruption, extinction, sprituality and indigenous world views. From the treetops of urban hammocks to the pristine sloughs of the Fakahatchee, discover the passionate protectors of Florida’s wetlands. The VR is free for educators; request a copy in French, English or Spanish.

Watch the VR experience on:

To enjoy a fully immersive experience we suggest using a headset. SwampScapes is compatible with all VR headsets capable of viewing 360 video. Simply download the video, and load it in your headset.

Download Vimeo for iOS or Vimeo for Android to view SwampScapes VR on your phone. Once the app is installed, get the VR link and password above and watch it! This method will also work with a Google Cardboard.

You can view SwampScapes VR in any browser. Simply open the URL provided and move your mouse around.

Pro Tip:
Learn how to use VR in a classroom.